

I’m not having shots for the next six months. It’s too much.

This weekend I was at a Christmas party with my classmates, and I turned all creepy uncle, and I do not remember how I got home.

To mention just a few things that happened (which involved me); one of the guys literally licked my face, I pretty much showed everyone my boobs, and I ended up with bunny ears and a tail. And I haven’t even mentioned half of what happened. But it was a nice party and we all had fun.

2012-12-14 22.04.24

But I’m not having any shots for the next six months.


Merry Christmas!

I’ve been hanging out on tumblr a lot lately, and there are currently two major challenges going around, the first is to watch 500 episodes (TV series) during 2012 and the other is to watch 365 movies in a year, without rewatches, I must admit that the first challenge is no problem for me at all, I’ve been keeping track of every new episode I’ve watched this year, and I’m already on 73, that’s without trying. If I keep up this pace I will end up with over 900 episodes by the end of this year.

However, the movie challenge is actually difficult for me, because of the length of a feature film and the commitment that brings, I need to be in a certain mood to sit down and watch an entire movie. so far I’ve watched 5 new movies, so I’ve decided that a goal of 100 movies will do for me, there is no reason to set a goal which I know for sure I cannot reach.

But how many movies do other people watch in a year? How many movies do you watch in a year?

Okay, so I am currently waiting for the grade from my hopefully last exam, I’ve been waiting for more than a month now, so to be honest I don’t really care anymore. I need a break whether I pass or fail I am not going to spent the next six to eighteen months at college. Even with the extra hours I got offered at work (thank you for that, unnamed employer, I am ever so grateful for the extra money), I have a lot of time on my hands compared to my situation before Christmas.

Unfortunately I’ve always been excited about learning, so now that I have a lot of time on my hands I seem to be finding new things I want to learn about every hour. It is both amazing and frustrating, I cannot choose what to dig into first. I’ve come to a point where I am in all seriousness considering creating “classes” for myself, like high school, so I can study more than one thing at a time. However one thing I am dedicated to studying is Josh Dallas’ face. I will figure out a system, at some time, probably just before I decide to start my Master degree, I’m great with timing.

Here is an illustration of some of the useless prettyness I wanna pin on the inside of my skull.

I am afraid I don’t know exactly where this awesome bookscan comes from, I found it on tumblr, and after backtracking through what seems like a million pages I ended up on weheartit. So dear FBI I’m sure you can tell me who holds the copyright for this, might there be a chance you could give me a hint preferably before arresting me?